Cadernos da Garagem 5 Paris Haussmann
Éric Lapierre/Gonçalo Byrne
Design Research in Architecture: an Overview
Murray Fraser
Beyond Utopia - Japanese METABOLISM Architecture and the Birth of Mythopia
Agnes Nyilas
The Teaching of Architecture and Urbanism in the Age of Globalisation
OASE # 99 The Architecture Museum Effect
OASE # 96 Social Poetics The Architecture of Use and Appropriation
OASE # 81 Constricting Criticism
Codes of the Temporary Manifesto of Architecture/Codici del Temporaneo Manifesto di Architettura
Raffaella Laezza
Travessa do Carvalho, 25
(Sede da Ordem dos Arquitetos)
1249-003 Lisboa
(Metro – Estação: Cais do Sodré)