From Autos to Architecture fordism and architectural aesthetics in the twentieth century
David Gartman
Artificial Light. A Narrative into the Nature of Abstraction, Immediacy, and other architcetural fictions
Keith Mitnick
You Are Here: Personal Geographies and Other Maps of Imagination
Katherine Harmon
A History of Architectural Theory from Vitruvius to the Present
Hanno-Walter Kruft
The SAGE Handbook of Architectural Theory
Buildings Between Living Time and Rocky Space
Paul Shepheard
Neoclassical Architecture in Greece
Manos biris / maro kardamitsi-adami
Twenty-five Buildings every Architect should understand
Semi-Detached: Writing, Representation and Criticism in Architecture
Naomi Stead
Travessa do Carvalho, 25
(Sede da Ordem dos Arquitetos)
1249-003 Lisboa
(Metro – Estação: Cais do Sodré)