The Architecture of a Motorway - between Maintenance and Preservation
Claudia Zanda
Modernism: an American Wake. A Personal Anthology: 1997-2020
Totem and Taboo in Architectura Imagination
Alessandro Rocca
Brutalism Reinvented - 21st Century Modernist Architecture
Agata Toromanoff
Model Workshop Building as a Common Process
Urs Meister/Carmen Rist-Stadelman
Architecture of Coexistence - Building Pluralism
Azra Aksamija
Vegetarian Architecture - Case Studies on Building and Nature
Andrea Bocco Guarnieri
Faschismus und Architektur - Max Bächer's confrontation with Albert Speer
Lausch, Frederike
What we Talk about when we Talk about Architecture
Scott Woods
Histoire Naturelle de l'Architecture - Comment le Climat, les Épidémies et l'énergie ont façonné la Ville et les Bâtiments
Philippe Rahm
Thinking Design Blueprint for an Architecture of Typology
Andreas Lechner
Travessa do Carvalho, 25
(Sede da Ordem dos Arquitetos)
1249-003 Lisboa
(Metro – Estação: Cais do Sodré)