Josep Renau 1907-1983 compromisso y cultura
Renau, Josep
Trading Between Architecture and Art
Triple Bond Essays on Art, Architecture, and Museums
Wouter Davidts
Azulejos Masterpieces of the National Tile Museum of Lisbon
Postmodern Culture Towards a Critical regionalism: six points for an achitecture of resistance
Palácio da Memória Um Projecto de João Ó
La forma del pensiero - The thought takes shape. Aldo Rocha
Lucrezia de Domizio Durini
Meditations on a Hobby Horse and other essays on the theory of art
E.H. Gombrich
Os Painéis Adivinhação ou investigação? Painéis de S. Vicente de Fora
Theresa schedel de castelo Branco
Como está o início depois do fim? Álvaro Siza/Habitação Social
Jordi Burch
Almost Nothing 100 Artists Comment on the Work of Mies van der Rohe
Christian Bjone
Adrian Schiess Farbräume Colourspaces - co-operation with the architects herzog & de meuron and Gigon / Guyer 1993-2003
Max Wechsler
Humberto Spíndola Interventions in the Architecture of Luis Barragán
The Architecture of Collage Marshall Brown
Marshall Brown
A Arte de Augusto Cid em Azulejo: o Olhar de António Homem Cardoso
António Homem Cardoso
AS SEEN Exhibitions That Made Architecture and Design History
The Art and Architecture of Islam 1250-1800
Sheila S. Blair/Jonathan M. Bloom
Travessa do Carvalho, 25
(Sede da Ordem dos Arquitetos)
1249-003 Lisboa
(Metro – Estação: Cais do Sodré)