GA Residential Masterpieces 23 Paulo Mendes da Rocha 1964-66
Yoshio Futagawa
Frank Lloyd Wright´s Fallingwater the house and its history
Donald Hoffmann
Modernist Icons - Midcentury Houses and Interiors
Le case La Roche-Jeanneret di Le Corbusier - Riflessioni per un progetto di restauro
Tiziano Aglieri Rinella
Together! The New Architecture of the Collective
GA Residential Masterpieces 19 Glass House Philip Johnson New Canaan
60 Small Houses Danish Architecture 1915-2023
Hidden in Plain Sight - Politics and Design in State-Subsidized Residential Architecture
GA Residential Masterpieces 01 Villa Mairea Noormarkku Finland 1937-39 Alvar Aalto
Yukio Futagawa
Carvalho Araújo Casa na Caniçada
E.1027 Maison en bord de mer - L´architecture vivante
SPASM Parikrama House LB21
Case Study Houses - The Complete CSH Program 1945-1966
Julius Shulman/Elizabeth Smith
Housing the Nation - Social Equity, Architecture and the Future of Affordable Housing
Alexander Gorlin/Victoria Newhouse
SJB 19 Waterloo Street LB23
GA Residential Masterpieces 16 Le Corbusier Shodhan House Ahmedabad India 1951-56
Yukio Futagawa
Hans Scharoun and the Development of Small Apartment Floor Plans: The Residential High-Rises Romeo and Julia 1954–1959
Markus Peter; Ulrike Tillmann
Building Communities - Rehabilitation and Housing in Barcelona & Zurich Studio Eva Prats Flores & Prats ETH Zurich D-Arch
Into the Woods - Retreats and Dream Houses
Philip Jodidio
Gilardi House - Barragán's Last Witness
José Luis Álvarez Tinajero/Martin Luque Pérez
Vivienda Total Alternativas a la dispersión urbana
Travessa do Carvalho, 25
(Sede da Ordem dos Arquitetos)
1249-003 Lisboa
(Metro – Estação: Cais do Sodré)