Shenzhen From Factory of the world to world city China
Cities in Transition power environment society
Alexandre Chemetoff - Patrimoine Commun leçon inaugurale de l'école de Chaillot pronoincé le 26 janvier 2010
Fare Centro - Proposte per il centro città di Mestre
Rome the Centre(s) Elsewhere a berlage institute project
Berlin Transfer Learning from the Global South
Rainer Hehl / Ludwig Engel
Urbanismo de Colina Uma tradição luso-brasileira
Manuel da Costa Lobo / José Geraldo Simões Junior
Built Environment 2012-2013
Chicagoisms The city as catalyst for architectural speculation
Jonathan Mekinda Ed
Diez Lecciones sobre Barcelona Solà-Morales ten lessons on Barcelona
Manuel Solà-Morales
UneternalCitiy - Urbanism beyond Rome - 11. Mostra Internazionale di architettura
On Planning - A Thought Experiment Edited by Simon Kretz and David Chipperfield
Israel Lessons Industrial Arcadia
China Lab Guide to Mega-Block Urbanism
Casablanca Chandigarh A Report on Modernization urban life
Tom Avermaete / Maristella Casciato / Yto Barrada / Takashi Homma
Al Manakh 2 - Volume 23 Gulf Cont'd Península arábica dubai clima
Rise and Sprawl The Condominiumization of Toronto - Hans Ibelings and PARTISANS
Hans Ibelings / Partisans
Architecture Reading Aid Ahmedabad
Niklas Fanelsa, marius Helten, Bjorn Martenson, leonard Wertgen
Builders, Housewives and the Construction of Modern Athens
Ioanna Theocharopoulou
Travessa do Carvalho, 25
(Sede da Ordem dos Arquitetos)
1249-003 Lisboa
(Metro – Estação: Cais do Sodré)